movin on up

I’ve signed us on with a new web host for a little more breathing room.  It’s a two year contract.  They were comfortable making the deal, after seeing me work the farm league for a few years now and thought I was ready for the Show.

We’ve been with our current host for a while and I was comfortable with their system but they haven’t really kept up with the times, providing only 1gb of online space.  When other hosts are offering unlimited space and bandwidth for the same price, well, it’s silly to stay on.  1gb is okay for uploading a few 600px images every once in a while but the memory card in my camera is 8gb and I have multiples of them, and I can easily fill one in a day.  If I want to share that with someone, as I found myself wanting to do just this past week…. uh oh.  I confronted my current host and they told me to go home and get my shine box.

There are other services for that, certainly.  Flickr has the photo front covered, Vimeo or Youtube will host your videos for free or pay.  But we’re quickly micro paying ourselves out of house and home to stay connected, and with a bunch of different services that all do something different.  Gizmodo did a thing a while ago tallying up what it costs to belong to all these communities and it’s staggering.  $5 per month here, $2 per app there.  Cell phone payments, home phone payments, DSL, Cable.  Let me see if I can find.  Eh, I can’t.  It was $1000s of dollars per year.  Sometimes I want to stop and I want to shop, all in one place and all for one price.

Anyway, hopefully for all our dear reader this means nothing.  Everything should be up and running and tested and vested and bested before the switch happens out in the great internubs.  See you on the flip side.

If not, I love you.

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