Falling into Fall

I realized that I hadn’t posted in a long time and wanted to update the masses of you who read this what is going on in my world.

Post-Prouty riding has been mostly riding to work and the occasional slow trip along the Connecticut River.  I’ve been ramping up training for the CHaD half marathon in October, which Ben will also be running.  This is a challenging course, with hills throughout the last 4 miles.  After that, hopefully will have some snow this season and hit the trails with spikes, snowshoes, and skis.  I am hoping to register for the Vermont Marathon in Burlington, which is run in May.

Ben and I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary this coming November and we plan to spend a week celebrating at various B&B’s and hiking.  We have actually been together, or at least known each other for 10 years now.  A decade of bliss!

Life on the farm has been crazy busy.  Most of the farm crew have returned to school and so we are a skeletal crew in the stand, creating long hours for those of us left.  The final stretch has come and there are two months left until it mostly shuts down.  I get a good workout lifting crates of apples!  The stand is full off delicious veggies, reminding me that late August is truly the bounty time and Ben and I are enjoying shorter grocery store lists and eating whatever is from the field.  Our annual pumpkin festival is coming up in October, which is a fun and frenetic day of all things pumpkin and autumn.  I will get to see some of the farm crew who will return from school to help for the day and it will be great to see them again.  I worked with a great staff of gals this season and I miss them already!  Once my season at the farm is over, I will return to working 3 days/week at Department of Children and  Families helping with their case closures.  I’m SO looking forward to only working 3 days/week!  This will allow me to spend more time at home and visiting friends and family.  It’s been a big adjustment to working on a farm and following the flow of the farming season, with summer being the busy time and winters quieter.  I’m looking forward to working there again next season.

Ben and I are also in the process of considering selling our house in the next year or so and starting to look at buying land for building.  We have a lot of work to do on the house to get it ready for this, so winter will also be busy with projects (right Ben?!!!!).

Our own garden is winding down after a bumper crop of cherry tomatoes and herbs and we finally bought a standing freezer in which we are putting up veggies and meat from the farm and lots of pesto!  Our brussel sprout plants look like giant monsters and I’m hoping that the awful heat we’ve had this summer won’t deter them from producing one of my favorite veggies.  I’ve also planted a fall crop of spinach and kale to freeze for winter and might experiment with overwintering some as well to see if it will be a treat for early spring.

So life is ticking away here at The Logz.  Looking forward to cooler weather and the start of autumn.

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