Covered Bridges 2011

5th half marathon – done.

No rain this year,  which meant sun.  Which was strong at the start.  A bit warm, in the 70’s which made things a bit slower than last year.  But still a good run overall.  I’m struggling with the hydration issue…overdoing it I think.  I get hot and then want to drink more, but then my tummy can’t process the liquids and I end up feeling sick after the race.  I have to really practice not drinking as often as I am, as I am usually pretty well-hydrated going into the event.  Unless it is searingly hot outside, I am going to work on just sipping occasionally.  I do like running with a fuel belt because I like squirt bottles and not having to pinch cups at the water stations.  I’ll just have to practice using maybe just two of the four bottles and not drinking it all.  I am experimenting with watering down Gatorade to make it more digestible but I may try electrolyte tabs or relying on the sports beans that have some electrolytes in them.  Really this is only an issue for half marathons and more because I typically don’t drink during 5ks and only a bit during 10ks.  CHaD half will give me another chance to practice heat hydration in August.  There’s always a learning curve.  It just takes some of us a few years to catch on!

Focusing on training for the Prouty now and keeping running going for the next couple of races.  It’s been a bit easier to get up early in the morning, maybe because the birds start yapping at 4am and the sun is finally shining.

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