So it’s basically the modern version of the Sit-And-Spin. It’s like they took a Sit-And-Spin and got rid of the bottom spin. Then you throw the Sit-And-Spin around in the air and sit. It would be cooler if you could then spin around on the top while you are sitting. THAT would be cool. Although I guess you could spin on it if you lay it on it’s side. It’s like an over-sized spool of thread. What next? A board that you stand on and roll forwards and backwards and throw around in the air? Oh wait. Ben done (I meant the spelling error).
I want to hate it, but I don’t.
The part where the creators are interviewing themselves bothers me though.
I am most certainly not done.
I had this flash of the kids, in the middle of nowhere, we saw playing basketball with no net (we, on the Delaware River ages ago). This THING seems to be a bunch of guys wishing they had skateboards and doing their best without them.
3 responses to “hock’n’roll”
So it’s basically the modern version of the Sit-And-Spin. It’s like they took a Sit-And-Spin and got rid of the bottom spin. Then you throw the Sit-And-Spin around in the air and sit. It would be cooler if you could then spin around on the top while you are sitting. THAT would be cool. Although I guess you could spin on it if you lay it on it’s side. It’s like an over-sized spool of thread. What next? A board that you stand on and roll forwards and backwards and throw around in the air? Oh wait. Ben done (I meant the spelling error).
I want to hate it, but I don’t.
The part where the creators are interviewing themselves bothers me though.
I am most certainly not done.
I had this flash of the kids, in the middle of nowhere, we saw playing basketball with no net (we, on the Delaware River ages ago). This THING seems to be a bunch of guys wishing they had skateboards and doing their best without them.