beamy slideshow
I cut a DVD of our wedding (11.01.08) slideshow for a friend the other day and it hit me – legit video on the Chron! That way everyone can see it nearly the way it was intended whether you were there or not. There were technical difficulties at the event. Everything was set to go, […]
season 15
Season 15 of Top Gear started on Sunday night. It was pretty mundane actually, but Amy and I rolled around on the floor while we were watching this bit. I love how Jeremy is always making fun of the northern accent. YouTube’s limited to 10 minute clips so here’s the remainder of the segment.
poorly received
The problem….
I finally had a chance to see the House finale episode last night that you were all talking about. The one shot with Canon HDSLR cameras. The torrent was there all along, although I had trouble finding it before. Wikipedia said it was a 22 show season but the torrents topped out at 21, and […]
This video gave me a bit of a smile this week, when I needed one. The same guy’s done at least one other Disney/Pixar inspired piece here;
bill viola
The Hood Museum at Dartmouth had an installation a few years ago by a video artist named Bill Viola. It was a ~40 inch plasma TV with a silent video playing on a loop and it showed 5 guys in primary-ish color shirts moving from one expressive pose to the next. Except they were filmed […]
zacuto shootout – ep3
Our server was down this morning. I know everyone starts their day with The Chron. It may even be your home page, I dunno. It might not, I’m just saying it might or maybe even should be. So I hope you can recover from this misstep and still have a great week. Zacuto finished out […]
This one always makes me laugh out loud.
I had a chance to play with the new Premiere Pro CS5 last night and I’m blown away. You can stop holding your breath on that one. I’m finally weighing in. The reason I’m personally jazzed is because I can now take the native video files from my HDSLR camera and edit them in real […]
This is not mine obviously, but I wish it was. I made a stop motion animation once back in the day with a friend. If you’ve plumbed the depths of the beamychron archives then you’ve seen it, but I thought I should throw it on the Vimeo to increase the chances it’ll survive the nuclear […]